Ted Fust, Branch Manager

At St. Philip since: Attending services since 1991. Official member since 2006-2007.

Faith background: Baptized Catholic — 12 years of Catholic school. Since I am now a member of a Lutheran Church, just call me a  “Catheran or Lutherick”.

Professional background and expertise? I have been a with Twin City Garage Door for 20 years, where I serve as the branch manager of our St. Paul office. You might call me a “jack of all trades” as I do little bit of everything. I am responsible for the overall operation including inventory control, warehousing and product preparation, walk-in parts and showroom sales as well commercial sales. My primary day-to-day responsibilities are managing the service/repair end of the operation with five field technicians.

What is something you love about St. Philip? People come to church because they want to have a relationship with God. At. St. Philip, we are not “hounded” by a lot of rules. We are not threatened with, “You must follow this rule or do/don’t do this or that if you want to find God or go to heaven. We are not “preached to” or “told how” to worship. We  are able  to listen to scripture and the sermons and then allowed to find  God in our  own way. If we are having trouble doing so,  we have many resources available to us to help us find our way. In other words, we are not told how to “reach out, inspire and proclaim” but allowed to do it in our own way.

Have you ever been surprised by God? Yes, I took God for granted for many years. I never really paid attention to his presence until the day of my father’s funeral. On that day, God allowed me to open my eyes and take notice that he really is present amongst us.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask? I try to be helpful and caring to others as Jesus had and want to do more. However, due to time constraints and commitments I am not always able to so and I feel guilty. I want to ask, “Is what I am able to do enough and can you help and guide me to do more?”

About the author

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