Curt & Nancy Johnson, Photographer and Special Education Teacher

Curt & Nancy Johnson, Photographer and Special Education Teacher

What year did you begin worshiping at St. Philip the Deacon? 1993

What is your faith background? Curt grew up Methodist and Nancy grew up Presbyterian. We were married at Colonial Church in Edina where we were Congregationalist. When we moved to Plymouth we visited a number of different churches and felt St. Philip the Deacon was the best match for us. We weren’t necessarily searching for a certain denomination but a church where we felt comfortable and knew that our children would too. St. Philip has been an incredible place for our family to grow and further our journey with Christ.

What is your professional background and experience? Curt is a professional photographer and videographer. He has been self-employed for 16 years and has had a studio in downtown Minneapolis for the past 16 years. The majority of his work has been in the advertising and marketing field. Nancy has worked in an area school district for the past 30 years as a Special Education Teacher/Team Facilitator at the elementary level.

How are you involved at St. Philip the Deacon? Curt and Nancy help with serving communion, volunteering as prayer partners for the Confirmands, and have been part of the Capital Appeals committee. Curt has served on Church Council.  He also takes photos of the church  staff, as well as additional pictures of the church for use on the church website, newsletters and emails.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon?  The people are clearly the best part of this church. That includes the staff and the congregation. The quality of the entire staff is amazing. Each pastor is uniquely qualified and provides an amazing service to God and the entire congregation. The gifts and talents of the people that comprise the congregation clearly mirror scripture in 1st Corinthians, not one body but many members comprising the body of Christ.

Have you ever been surprised by God? If so, how? We are frequently surprised by how God works in the world. Most of the time we are aware of how God has been working in our lives and in others near and dear to us after the fact. Once we have had a chance to look back upon a problem or situation we have been involved in, we can clearly see how God was at work. We believe he works everyday in our lives, sometimes it is obvious to us but many times it is in more subtle ways.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask? We doubt we’d be able to even utter a word if confronted face to face with God. We would ask for forgiveness and for the opportunity to walk beside him and see his great works.  One area of deeper understanding is learning more about why bad things and great suffering happen to good people?

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