Chris Winfield, Inside Sales

At St. Philip the Deacon since: 1996

What is your faith background? I have been a Lutheran all of my life, growing up in various synods of the church — first the Augustana Synod, which merged into the LCA (Lutheran Church in America), which in turn merged into the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). I grew up in a humble little country church, which meant everything to me. I continue to be grateful for this nurturing environment.

Professional background: I was a teacher by profession, and spent time in an ELCA congregation as a Christian Education Director. I currently handle the inside sales for the largest agent of a national moving and tranportation company.

How are you involved at St. Philip the Deacon? I sing in Sanctuary Choir, I have been a Confirmation Prayer Partner every year since the inception of the Rite of Passage;  I have been involved with feeding meals at Our Savior’s Shelter since we joined St. Philip the Deacon.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon? The fact that we are involved in the world beyond our walls — near and far. To me this is living the mandate of the Gospel.

Have you ever been surprised by God? I have had some miracles in my life — things that happened that are amazing,  unimportant to others, but especially important to me.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask? How do you keep track of each one of us?

About the author

  • I loved the article about my wonderful sister!!! Thanks for doing that. She is a wonderful, amazing person.

    Carolyn Koeneke

  • Thank you for the article about Chris (Sharon). I know how wonderful she is cause she’s my sister.

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