Nick and Sue-Ellen Stephan, VP of Finance and Stay-At-Home Mom

How long have you attended St. Philip the Deacon? We moved to Plymouth, September 9th, 2001, from New Jersey and started attending St. Philip right after September 11th.

What is your faith background? Nick was raised Catholic, and I was raised Lutheran.

What is your professional background? Nick is a VP of Finance for a hearing aid manufacturer, and I am a Stay-at-Home Mom. Prior to having children I worked in sales and customer service.

How are you involved at St. Philip the Deacon? We both are involved in the Alpha program and Families Moving Forward.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon? We love the message: God loves and forgives you, right now just as you are, and how that message extends into the congregation and community. In addition we enjoy the educational opportunities and special programs they provide.

Have you ever been surprised by God? If so how? Our biggest surprise by God is how He continues to unfold in our lives. Whether we just experience His majesty in a beautiful sunset or feel His presence as we walk through a difficult time period He is with us always.

If you could meet God face to face what would you want to ask? How can we take this divided world, and bring your peace, love and unity to it.

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