Mark & Lara Hodowanic, Banking Professionals

At St. Philip the Deacon since: We have been members of St. Philip the Deacon since 2006.

Faith background: Mark was raised in the Lutheran faith while Lara’s faith background is Christian – Eastern Orthodox through the Armenian All Saints Apostolic Church in Glenview, Illinois.

Professional background and experience: We’ve both been in the banking industry for over 20 years. We’ve enjoyed a variety of different occupations in banking, mostly in management positions. It was through work that we met, dated, and ultimately married.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon? We love the warm and welcoming worship environment that St. Philip provides. We had attended the church for several years before becoming members. Now that we have a church home, our children are able to grow in faith through Faith Creek. They enjoy coming to church and just can’t seem to walk past the downstairs book nook without stopping for awhile.

Have you ever been surprised by God? Each blessing given to us has been a surprise from God.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask? God, why did you create all of this and why are people simultaneously brilliant and loving yet hopelessly flawed and destructive?

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