Jan Anderson, Banking

At St. Philip the Deacon since: 1998.

What is your faith background? I am not a Lutheran because of birth, but Baptist (who did not believe in infant baptism). I am not Lutheran because of school, but Presbyterian (lovingly called “psalm singers”). I am not Lutheran because of college, but Methodist (church and fellowship group I attended). I am Lutheran because the man I married — Nils — was Lutheran and so my Lutheran faith journey began. Various bible study classes — including Alpha I & II, and the 2-year Crossways program — have aided my understanding of what it means to be Lutheran. Recently, we went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit (a must-see) at the Science Museum, and all of these classes provided a background for greater understanding of this opportunity.

Professional background and experience: I served in banking in various capacities and functions — as a teller, in the loan dept, in the mortgage department, and as AVP of Admin. I served mostly in administrative capacities as the enabler who allowed executive/management to do their best.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon? My husband Nils and I were drawn to the church originally by the sensitivity of the young associate pastor and we learned that each of the pastors had strengths which complemented the others, making a cohesive and unified whole. That is still true today. (As an aside, one of the pastors was originally from Nils’ hometown…small world.)

Have you ever been surprised by God? Good question. But the answer is “not really.” It was usually over something self-evident, that I finally had the “aha” moment and knew that God was guiding me all along.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask? That’s an interesting question because I see God face-to-face in many places already:  the beauty of nature, the love of a man and a woman or parents and their children, the joy of just being alive. I guess the question would be “Am I being a good steward of Your creation and in my relationships with other people; am I fitting into Your plan for me.”

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