Beth Albright, Mother, Volunteer and Urgent Care Physician

Faith Background: I was raised in a Lutheran family and we joined St. Philip when we moved here in 1982. My husband, Dan and I got married at St. Philip and have made this our church home since moving back here in 1999. My husband Dan was raised in a Roman Catholic family and has gracefully made the transition to worshiping and serving amongst the Lutherans!

Professional Background: We met in medical school. Dan is an Internal Medicine-Pediatrics physician with Park Nicollet in Maple Grove. I am a Family Physician, working urgent care shifts when the family schedule allows.

Something I love about St. Philip the Deacon: The people! We have met and continue to meet wonderful friends at St. Philip. I also love that there are so many opportunities to serve, learn and grow as followers of Christ.

Have I ever been surprised by God? God surprises me all the time with His creative answers to my prayers, His timing and the unexpected paths He leads me down.

If I could meet God face-to-face, I would want to ask: Why did He ever entrust us with free will when He knew we would misuse this freedom?

About the author

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