Josh & Megan Janos, Merchandise Planning and Head Baker

What is your faith background? We both grew up in small, Lutheran churches.

What is your professional background and experience? Josh works as Manager of Merchandise Planning Operations for a major retailer headquartered in the Twin Cities, and Megan is the Manager and Head Baker for a local boutique cookie bakery.

How are you involved at St. Philip the Deacon? We recently signed on to be leaders for a Senior High House Group and are very excited to be diving in to spread God’s word and meet many of the youth at SPD.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon? We love the big, beautiful sanctuary and the way the services mirror those that we are accustomed to from the churches we grew up in. We immediately felt at home when we walked into SPD and were excited to join as members and be married here, as well. The staff and the people made us feel at home, right from the start.

Have you ever been surprised by God? If so, how? We feel God working in our daily lives and are continually surprised by His obvious presence and unique ways of caring for us and our family.  He always provides for us when we are in need, even if we didn’t know we needed His help!

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask? Is the Hokey-Pokey what it’s really all about?

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