Ed Wasz, Finance Professional & Naval Officer (Ret.)

At St. Philip Since: 2001

What is your faith background?
I grew up in the Chicago area and was raised Catholic. My wife was raised in the Lutheran Church.

I love St. Philip the Deacon because:
I love the fellowship and the sense of belonging that my family and I feel toward the church. I feel that people sincerely care about me and my family. This has helped to strengthen our faith and made it easy to serve and participate in St Philip’s ministries.

Have you ever been surprised by God?
I’ve been surprised by God so many times that I’m no longer surprised by any of God’s blessings. Each time I’ve witnessed or experienced difficulties, struggles, tragedies, I’ve always seen God’s hand in how things ultimately play out.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask?
After this last baseball season (2009), I guess I’d ask him why he likes the Yankees so much and what he has against the Cubs (remember I’m from Chicago). Seriously though, I’d like to know why he loves us so much – considering all our flaws.

About the author

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