Danielle & Patrick Glenn, Physical Therapist and Financial Analyst

What year did you begin attending St. Philip the Deacon? Danielle has been a member since 1994, Patrick has been attending since 2007.

What is your faith background? Danielle grew up Lutheran and went through First Communion and Confirmation at St. Philip. Patrick was baptized in a Lutheran church when he was 7 and attended Christ Lutheran church in Maple Plain.

What is your professional background and experience? Danielle is attending her second year of physical therapy school at St. Catherine University after graduating from Hamline University. Patrick is a financial analyst at a large area bank and graduated from the University of Minnesota.

How are you involved at St. Philip the Deacon? We both usher and serve communion on Saturday nights, and participate in church events/programs as we can.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon? We love the atmosphere of St. Philip — there is always excitement about a project or event and everyone is so welcoming and kind. We have loved getting to know more people at St. Philip!

Have you ever been surprised by God? If so, how? I am always surprised by the power of prayer; when God answers prayers so specifically, it is such a miraculous thing. The first time I witnessed this was at a county fair when I was in elementary school. There were puppies for sale at the fair and I remember praying with all my heart to be able to take a puppy home. Just as we were about to leave (without a dog), my dad stopped to play a basketball game (“Just one shot,” he said). He ended up winning and when the attendant asked me what I wanted I spotted one stuffed animal puppy that was left by itself. Immediately I smiled and realized that my prayer had been answered, and I was going home with a puppy after all. In that moment, I knew God was with me, and would always be listening to my prayers.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask? What can we do to help spread your love? How can we better serve you with the blessings we’ve been given?

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