Beth Willis, Corporate Communications

At St. Philip the Deacon since: 2003

What is your faith background?
I was raised Lutheran (the granddaughter of a Norwegian-speaking Lutheran pastor who traveled a circuit, preaching in small Norwegian communities in North Dakota). When I got married, my husband Bruce and I belonged for many years to a UCC congregation, but for a variety of reasons we made a change and found our church home at St. Philip the Deacon in 2003. Our son Andrew is on track to be ordained as a Lutheran pastor sometime in the coming year.

What is your professional background and experience?
I serve as Vice President of Corporate Communications for an area corporation. I’ve been with the same company for more than 35 years.

What is something that you love about St. Philip the Deacon?
The music is outstanding and moves me every Sunday, but I also love the warm, open atmosphere, the mass of children running up for the children’s sermon — and most importantly, I truly feel God’s presence at St. Philip.

Have you ever been surprised by God?
I am constantly surprised by God – his presence in the little things in life, as well as the big things – and I am surprised at how richly I have been blessed in my life.

If you could meet God face-to-face, what would you want to ask?
I would want to ask about life after death. I have been present at the deaths of my parents and my mother-in-law, and there is such a great sense of mystery around the death of the body and the life of the spirit beyond.

About the author

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