2009 Annual Report

On Sunday, February 7 at noon, St. Philip the Deacon will hold its annual meeting to review our ministries from 2009 and to approve our ministry plan for 2010. Following is the letter from Senior Pastor David Hoffman from the 2009 Annual Report. Full copies of the Annual Report are available at the East and West Hospitality Desks or at the Church Office.

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Merciful Father, we offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us — our selves, our time and our possessions, signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of him who offered himself for us,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Lutheran Book of Worship).

When asked to describe St. Philip the Deacon, the first word that comes to mind is Mission. Our mission drives us. Our mission statement guides our decisions. Our mission statement helps us define who we are. Our mission statement helps us individually and corporately Reach Out, Proclaim, Inspire.

2009 was another remarkable year for mission and ministry. Generous giving — the second highest in our history — enabled us to meet all Promise 2009 ministry goals.

2009 was another remarkable year for mission and ministry. The sick are visited. The grieving are comforted. The unemployed are consoled. New parents are given guidance rearing their children in faith. Adults grow in faith with Bible Study. Children are nourished in Faith Creek. Middle School Youth affirm their baptismal vows. Senior High Youth continue their faith journey with worship, small groups and mission trips. There were 334 worship services with four unique formats from Lutheran traditional to cutting edge experiential. Generous giving — the second highest in our history — enabled us to meet all Promise 2009 ministry goals.

In 1992, when we were moving into our new worship space, one of our goals was to begin to acquire adjacent properties. In 2009, we purchased a fourth home on the south side of our property and we now own 17110, 17120, 17130 and 17140 – 14th Avenue. 17 years ago it would have seemed unrealistic to accomplish this goal.

We are currently in the midst of our seventh capital appeal, Sent to Serve. Gifts to this appeal support our mortgage. Gifts also support the construction of a dormitory in Dumka, India in partnership with Lutheran Partners in Global Mission. Gifts also support Making a World of Difference in support of new ethnic specific congregations in the Minneapolis Area (SPDLC has given the largest gift for this exciting ministry). Gifts also support The Quarter, our newest worship service that meets on Sunday evening at 5:30 pm in the Center for Faith and Life.

As you read summaries from my colleagues, you will discover how this remarkable congregation is a bright and shining light reflecting what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.

I give thanks for you each day, for your support and partnership. I give thanks each day for my colleagues in ministry who so faithfully and joyfully share in our mission and ministry. Most of all, I give thanks for the love of God that sustains us and challenges us.

Thank you for the privilege of being one of your pastors.

About the author

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