About St. Philip


St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church takes its name from St. Philip the Deacon, who was selected as a deacon — someone chosen to look after the poor in the early Christian church — with six others in Acts 6. St. Philip also appears in Acts 8, where he interprets and explains a passage from the Prophet Isaiah to a servant of the Queen of Ethiopia. This is depicted above in a detail from an Icon of St. Philip the Deacon by artist Ann Chapin, commissioned in celebration of the church’s 50th anniversary in 2008.

This story about St. Philip from Acts 8 is, in part, where St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church gets its mission statement — to Reach Out, Proclaim, Inspire — since St. Philip reached out to the Ethiopian eunuch when he didn’t understand the Prophet Isaiah; proclaimed to the eunuch what the passage meant; and inspired him to go and serve God himself by baptizing him.

You can learn more about St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church and its ministries in the video below. For another take on St. Philip the Deacon’s mission statement, read this.


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