Amen Means Thank You

by Thia Andersen

Communion has been something that I have been a part of for so long that I have forgotten to reflect on its meaning in my life and its meaning to my spirituality. This came to light when my oldest daughter was attending classes to begin her communion celebration. Pastor Mathison explained the process of receiving communion and then said something that I had either never heard or had forgotten over the years. She reminded us not to rush through Communion. To pause and say “Thank You” after receiving the body of Christ and again after receiving the blood of Christ. It was a great reminder to those of us who receive communion as part of the routine that it is indeed a great gift we have received and that common courtesy requires us to say “Thank You” when receiving such a great gift. This revelation hit home for both myself and my husband and we have made a conscious effort from then on to slow down, think about what is being given to us and to say “Thank You” for the gifts we have received. With our children trailing behind us as we receive these gifts, we hope that we will model to them that it is right to say “Thank You” when you receive a gift.

During Lent 2011, we are encouraging the St. Philip the Deacon community to reflect on the Sacrament of Holy Communion — recalling early memories, describing memorable celebrations of Communion, or reflecting on how Communion informs daily life. This post is part of that series. We invite your reflections about Communion, as well. If you would like to submit something for this series, please send it to Pastor Cheryl Mathison at

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